Tuesdays from 7pm to 8pm
This one hour class will incorporate movement, breath and self massage to gently support the immune system and nourish the nervous system. The teaching portion of this class will help provide a deeper understanding of how the vagus nerve impacts inflammation and the stress response in the body and how the lymphatic system can be supported so that the detox pathways remain open and flowing freely. It will also provide you with simple tools to use on a daily basis to help process and remove stress from the body, creating a more balanced nervous system overall.
In the movement portion of the class we will work with our hands, our breath and a simple inflatable ball to explore the spaces in our body that hold both physical and mental stress. We will work to build a bridge between the conscious and subconscious mind, bringing awareness to how we engage with the harder parts of everyday life and what we can do to elicit a more nourishing response.
While we cannot easily change the stressors we experience in our lives we can change how we show up to them. Learning about our physiology and having strategies available to come back from survival to regulation benefits us and the world around us. Doing this in community provides an opportunity to connect and co-regulate with others which we are deeply missing in society today.
Please bring a water bottle, yoga mat, light blanket and writing supplies if you are moved to take notes. Inflatable Coregous Balls are available for use during the class and for purchase.
Jane has been a deep tissue and pregnancy massage therapist here in Portland for over 20 years. In 2018 she started to reimagine her practice in hopes that she could provide her clients with their own tools to use on a daily basis to help support their bodies. She encourages her clients to get curious about the stressors in their lives and the responses their bodies have to them.
Her own health journey has guided this work. As a mama of three teenage kids she has dealt with the real effects of debilitating insomnia, burnout and a Hashimotos diagnosis in early 2021. She works with all bodies but has a special place in her heart for caretakers who need tools to nourish their bodies and souls so that they can continue to show up for their people.
Jane currently has a small bodywork practice in North Portland where she teaches clients one on one through movement, breath and massage. She also teaches both public and private classes around town and online. If you are interested in knowing more about her work check out her Instagram page @notsoplainjanegraybill or reach out directly notsoplainjanegraybill@gmail.com